The movie, based on the Oscar winning film Westside Story, is directed by Mansoor Khan and is about twins (Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai) and the seething rivalry between two gangs, sworn enemies, who rule the streets in the small Goan town of Vasco.
One group is led by Max (Shah Rukh Khan) and the other is led by Prakash (Sharad Kapoor).
Prakash’s brother (Chandrachur Singh) comes back from Bombay and promptly falls for Max’s sister, Shirley (Aishwarya Rai). The stage seems set for a bloodbath.
One group is led by Max (Shah Rukh Khan) and the other is led by Prakash (Sharad Kapoor).
Prakash’s brother (Chandrachur Singh) comes back from Bombay and promptly falls for Max’s sister, Shirley (Aishwarya Rai). The stage seems set for a bloodbath.
Shahrukh Khan ....Max
Aishwarya Rai.... Shirley
Chandrachur Singh.... Rahul
Sharad Kapoor..... Prakash
Boman Irani ....D'Mello
Nadira..... Mrs. Louise
Sharat Saxena.... Inspector
Directed by Mansoor Khan Produced by Ganesh Jain,Ratan Jain,Balwant Singh
Written by Mansoor Khan Music by Anu Malik Cinematography K. V. Anand
Release date(s) June 9, 2000 Length: 162 min.
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